Timber Queensland is the peak timber industry body in Queensland. With origins stretching back to 1938, our name is synonymous with impartiality and authority.
We are an outcome focused, non-profit industry association representing the interests of Queensland's forest and timber industry. Our unique and diverse membership base consists of timber businesses from plantation growers, harvesters, sawmillers and merchants through to timber users including manufacturers, architects and builders.
Timber Queensland, on behalf of our members, works to educate politicians, government departments, employer and environmental groups on the benefits of the timber industry and future opportunities. We are committed to creating greater public and political awareness of the forest and timber industries, and the valuable economic and environmental contribution they make to Queensland.
A key role of Timber Queensland is to support and encourage the development and expansion of the forest and timber industries.
Our Profile
Get an overview of who we are, our capabilities and how we intend to lead the industry into the future.
Our Board
Listings of our Board members, their names, titles, appointments and qualifications.
Our Staff
Find out about structure, staff and some of our key organisational divisions.
Our Members
Timber Queensland’s members come from a broad range of industry backgrounds and areas of expertise.
Our Associate Partners
Timber Queensland is grateful for the commitment and support our 2019-2020
Annual Associate Partners provide Queensland's forest and timber industry.