Growing a regional forest & timber industry regional workforce

Timber Queensland

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Growing & Producing Timber


Workforce Planning

Addressing the need to attract and retain workers in the Wide Bay region, Timber Queensland partnered with Jobs Queensland to develop a workforce plan and action-based initiatives for the forest and timber industry through a state government funded ‘Grow Your Own’ program.

Representatives from employers in the Wide Bay region met regularly to pinpoint and endorse focus areas, assist with gathering information, identify key issues and help find solutions to develop, implement and monitor the regional workforce plan.

Initially this group worked to develop a Wide Bay forestry industry snapshot, a document that provides an analysis of employment and training trends in the Wide Bay region and forestry-related industries.

This report, produced for Jobs Queensland, aims to support the “Grow Your Own” Regional Workforce Program by identifying workforce challenges in the Wide Bay forestry region. This helped inform the development of mechanisms to implement action-based, locally focused and led workforce planning and initiatives. Specifically, it provides an analysis of the employment and training data and trends within the Wide Bay region and forestry-related industries. It identifies workforce challenges and opportunities.

Grow Your Own Workforce. Region and industry snapshot. 
Wide Bay region and the forestry region.

Following the publication of the region and industry snapshop industry-led consultation with key industry and community stakeholders, highlighted common workforce, training and business challenges.  Despite these challenges, the industry showed a strong commitment to working with government and training providers to plan for their future by developing recommendations, priorities and practical methods to benefit the region’s forest and timber industry’s future workforce.  

The subsequent Wide Bay Forest and Timber Industry Workforce Development Plan provides a foundation for an industry committed to growth and future prosperity.

Wide Bay Forest and Timber Industry Workforce Development Plan
Download (PDF)

The skills and experience Timber Queensland has gained from working with Jobs Queensland on the Wide Bay ‘Grow Your Own’ program can be applied in other major forest and timber industry regions in Queensland.

This initiative was funded by Jobs Queensland as an action arising from the Good jobs. Good people: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032.