Building a Stronger Queensland Forest and Timber Industry
Leading up to the State Election on 31 October 2020 Timber Queensland's State Election Policy calls on the next Queensland Government to provide a clear plan to unlock the growth potential of the timber industry and the many thousands of jobs and communities it supports in the regions..
Timber Queensland has identified five broad policy areas for Government to act:
1. resource security
2. regional industry development
3. building and construction sector procurement
4. environmental recognition
5. innovation and research
By focusing on these areas, Government could create an investment environment for industry to generate an extra $300 million in output and create over 2000 additional jobs.
Timber Queensland calls on government to:
work with industry to resolve native hardwood resource security issues on state land arising from the South-East Queensland Forest Agreement, through development of new long-term supply arrangements;
implement a clear plan for development of the industry in North Queensland, including wood supply from state-managed land, crown leasehold and other private resources such as indigenous forestry opportunities;
commit $6 million to a farm forestry program, to promote private native forestry and tree planting on farms through an education and extension program with landowners, which can generate additional wood supply and related agricultural and environmental benefits;
implement local procurement criteria and policies for State-led construction projects, to support local timber suppliers and manufacturers;
commit $2 million to support a training initiative, to address skills needs and implement recruitment and retention pathways, particularly for the harvest and haulage sector and wood product manufacturing;
provide greater recognition of the carbon benefits from forestry to encourage timber planting in state carbon and environmental programs such as the Land Restoration Fund and related schemes (e.g. Emissions Reduction Fund); and
remove regulatory red-tape that impedes timber manufacturing competitiveness, including measures to reduce energy and transmission costs from State-owned utilities as a major cost input.
See the full Timber Queensland election policy statement:
Timber Queensland State Election Policy - 2020
Fact sheets profiling the timber industry in Queensland and in key electorates are available.
Queensland's Forest & Timber Industry
Maryborough Electorate
Gympie Electorate
Morayfield Electorate
Callide Electorate
Cook Electorate
Nanango Electorate
Warrego Electorate
Timber Queensland media releases related to 2020 State Election
Queensland timber industry supports cheaper energy policy for manufacturing - 8 October 2020
Timber Queensland releases election policy plan for industry growth - 25 September 2020