Second Draft Overview Report released with Key Findings
The Northern Forestry & Forest Products Industry Situation Analysis second draft Overview & Opportunities Report is now available and it should be read in conjunction with the literature review and regional workshop reports included as appendices. The report provides a high-level synopsis of the challenges, potential solutions and opportunities for further policy development, research or investment in the northern forest products industry.
Key Findings
Northern Australia, as defined by the tropic of Capricorn in Queensland and Western Australia, and including all of the Northern Territory, encompasses 52.7% of Australia's land mass and contributes 11,7% of Australia's GDP. Northern Australia has:
48% of Australia's forests (63 million hectares, with 73% under indigenous land ownership or management)
13 million hectares of native forest with commercial potential
22 million hectares of private forest
82 000 of commercial wood plantations
Given these extensive resources, and the potential to target climatically and otherwise suitable expansion of plantation forestry assets, the opportunities are broad.
An Emerging Roadmap
Given the broad opportunities available, the draft report has identified an emerging roadmap for the further development of the industry.

Key priority opportunities include:
Improve security of access to supply of resource
Further domestic processing & value adding
Build better engagement models with stakeholders
Generate sustainable local employment and incomes
Increase supply of wood products from northern Australia locally and globally.
A number of key actions have also been identified to deliver concrete outcomes. These include but are not limited to:
Deliver clear and ‘investible’ resource security for native forests and plantations
Expand plantation development into suitable regions
Extend silvicultural knowledge for native forests and plantations
Develop silvopastoral opportunities
Leverage existing mine site rehabilitation activities
Targeted training and forestry extension
Overarching Needs
Numerous regulatory, research, development and market needs which respond to opportunities identified as part of the project are outlined in the draft report. In summary the overarching needs are:
Improved stakeholder engagement and participation to identify all needs, opportunities and knowledge
Ongoing forest inventory and silvicultural information, especially for native forests
Improved carbon accounting research and rules for native forests and plantations.
What next?
The final report will be submitted to CRCNA by mid November, if you have any comments and feedback on this second draft report please provide these to Clarissa Brandt by 31 October.