Timber Queensland is the lead participant in a Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) project to identify the growth potential for northern Australia’s forestry and forestry products industry.

The $209,300 CRCNA research is a collaboration between Timber Queensland (TQ), the Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Resources (NT DPIR), Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC).
The 10-month project will also work with several key industry stakeholders including the Forest Products Commission Western Australia, Plantation Management Partners, Midway, HQPlantations, Simms Group, DTM Timber/Branch 95, Quintis Ltd and Alpha Santanol, to deliver a comprehensive overview of the current challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
The project will review key strategic documents and regulatory frameworks in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland, and will identify the extent of commercially productive resources including native, plantation and farm forests. Input will be sought from industry players, representatives of indigenous communities and other rural stakeholders, regional business groups, government agencies and academic institutions
A project Steering Committee comprising relevant representatives will be announced in early April and regional forums will be held in Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia in June and July. It is expected this Steering Committee will assume the role of an Industry Development Alliance and continue to provide oversight regarding the ongoing growth and health of the industry beyond the life of the project.
If you would like to be kept up to date regarding project milestones and achievements subscribe to the project alerts database.
Timber Queensland acknowledges the support of the CRCNA investment partners.

Project Participants & Contributors
Timber Queensland, NT Government Department of Primary Industries and Resources, University of Sunshine Coast, QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, NT Department of Primary Industries and Resources, Plantation Management Partners (NT), Midway, Simms Group, DTM Timber/Branch95, Alpha Santanol Pty Ltd, Quintis Ltd, Forest Products Commission WA