Consultation Forums for the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) project to identify the growth potential for northern Australia’s forestry and forestry products industry were held in in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia in June and September.
Regional stakeholders were encouraged to attend these forums, as input to the project is important to ensure local stakeholders have a say on future actions for policy, R&D and investment decisions.
Presentations from the forums can be accessed below:
Overview of Northern Forestry & Forest Products Industry Situation Analysis (Cairns) - Mick Stephens, CEO, Timber Queensland
Overview of Northern Forestry & Forest Products Industry Situation Analysis (Darwin) - Mick Stephens, CEO, Timber Queensland
The current situation and state of knowledge based on literature review and initial feedback - Tim Woods, Industry Edge
Northern Australia's Indigenous Forestry & Forest Products Industry - Mark Annandale, University of Sunshine Coast
If you have any questions about this project contact Clarissa Brandt, Strategic Relations & Communications Manager, Timber Queensland - clarissa@timberqueensland.com.au / 07 3358 7906.