The Timber Plantation Operations Code of Practice for Queensland (the Code) was developed under a project funded by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) through the Queensland Forest and Timber Industry Plan.
The purpose of the Code is to provide guidance with regards to operational activities associated with commercial timber plantations in Queensland, in order to comply with all laws and with accepted principles for sound plantation management.
This Code defines the voluntary standards developed for use by all parties with an interest in commercial timber plantations in Queensland, including the landowner, the plantation owner, the plantation manager, the harvest manager and any employees and contractors employed to work in a plantation (plantation operators).
Adoption of this Code should assist plantation operators with meeting legislative and other requirements applicable to the establishment and management of existing plantation areas and new plantation areas. Being ‘tenure blind’, the Code can be voluntarily applied by plantation operators over any land tenure in Queensland.
Timber Plantation Operations Code of Practice for Queensland - July 2015